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Tips to Help Your Loved One Get Ready for Bed

Tips to Help Your Loved One Get Ready for Bed

Submitted by Guest Contributor:
Eliza Sadler

Anyone can have trouble getting ready for bed. It doesn’t really matter whether they are in their nineties or just in their early twenties.

Some people with complications like dementia may require assistance to get ready for bed. If your loved one suffers from any sleep problems, you can follow the tips outlined below so that they are more likely to be ready for bed.

Make sure your loved one gets enough exercise during the day

Many older adults experience a lack of energy when faced with the prospect of going through their nighttime routine. This is most often because they have not had enough physical activity throughout the day, which means their muscles are tired and feel the desire to sleep. Ensure that they have a good daily routine which includes going for a walk, doing light household chores and active games such as badminton or bowling.

If your loved one is unable to do anything strenuous because of health problems, it may be necessary to help them move around to keep their energy levels up.

Start the nighttime routine at least an hour before bedtime

If you want your loved one to relax when it comes time for bed, then it’s important that they don’t spend the whole day rushing from one thing to the next. This will affect how ready they are for sleep later in the evening and could even make them feel stressed, which nobody wants so close to going through with the nighttime routine.

Try to get them involved in the process of getting ready for bed an hour or two beforehand, which can involve taking a warm bath, reading a book, or just relaxing on the couch with you.

Make sure your loved one has taken their medication before getting into bed

If you’re worried about how your loved one feels when they get into bed, then it’s important that they have had their medication well before going through with the nighttime routine. If this means that they have to wake up later than usual, then so be it, as it will help them stay healthy and active throughout the day.

There may come a time when you need to take over the administration of their drugs, which can lead to better sleep patterns as they are likely to fall asleep sooner after taking their medication.

Create a relaxing nighttime routine for your loved one that they can enjoy by themselves or with you

Most of the time, people who have trouble getting ready for bed suffer because they don’t want to go through with what is expected of them at night. This could be anything from brushing teeth, changing clothes, putting on pajamas, having a shower, or even just going outside for some fresh air before lying down.

If your loved one doesn’t like doing these things, then it’s important that they come up with alternatives that suit both of you. It may be necessary to encourage them to relax at certain times throughout the day if they don’t already do so naturally, which will help them feel ready for bed.

Make sure you have the TV off during the nighttime routine

Many people with mental impairments find it difficult to get through their nightly routine if they are constantly distracted by a screen. This doesn’t mean that you need to switch all of the lights off and plunge them into darkness, but it is important that if your loved one watches television at night, then they need to turn it off as soon as they begin going through with the nighttime routine.

If this means having a conversation about turning it off or changing channels before doing so, then make sure you do so, as this will help them relax more when they go through with their nighttime rituals.

How do you make an elderly person more comfortable in bed?

If you have a loved one who has difficulties getting ready for bed or staying asleep throughout the night, then there are certain things you can do to make them more comfortable. These will vary depending on their age and health, so it’s important that you take them into consideration before going through with anything.

Make sure your loved one has extra pillows for support

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As people get older, they often begin to suffer from pains in their neck, back, and joints due to spending too much time lying down without any support.

This is why it’s important that if your loved one doesn’t already have a pillow behind their head or between their legs during sleep, then you make sure they have support when going through with the nighttime routine.

There are many pillows on the market today that provide excellent support for necks and backs, so it’s just a matter of finding one that suits your loved one best. The pillow may be something you want to buy them as a gift or present initially to get them used to sleeping with it before going through with the nighttime routine.

Help your loved one change into their nightclothes while in bed

When going through with the nighttime routine, many people start by getting up from the bed and changing out of their day clothes and into pajamas or nightclothes, which can actually take a while. If your loved one doesn’t have much strength, it may be better for you to help them change their day clothes into their sleepwear.

You can either do this at the start of the nighttime routine or simply change them while they are still in bed, which will make things easier. This is especially helpful if your loved one changes their clothes multiple times throughout the day due to incontinence issues, as it’s better for you to help than having them struggle with getting changed each time they need to go.

When caring for a loved one, it’s important to have a reliable solution for nighttime incontinence. High-quality adult diapers can provide protection for both the bed and clothing. Look for a diaper that is easy to put on and take off, leakproof, and able to handle both solid and liquid waste. By having adult diapers readily available, you can ensure your loved one can sleep comfortably through the night. Remember to change the diaper as soon as possible.

Ensure that there is enough light in the bedroom to sleep comfortably

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Many people find that when there isn’t enough light, then it becomes more difficult for themselves and others to fall asleep after going through with the nighttime routine. It’s important that your loved one has a nightlight or lamp on during these times, so they don’t feel like it becomes too dark during their sleep.

Make sure you keep them company during the nighttime routine

Just because this is your loved one’s nighttime routine, it doesn’t mean that they are ever alone. Most people choose to have a few drinks at night before getting into bed, but if this isn’t an option for your friend or family member, you should still make sure that they don’t feel lonely throughout the process.

Even being present in the room with them will help them feel better about going through with their nighttime routines, which can be much more difficult than doing so alone. Having another person there also means that your loved one doesn’t have to worry about making noise if something needs fixing or cleaning as they can simply tell you to come and take care of it.

The Bottom Line

As time goes on, it becomes more and more difficult for your loved one to get ready for bed and stay asleep throughout the night. You can help them by making things easier and their nighttime routine as simple as possible so they don’t become agitated or upset when going through these steps at night.

Eliza Sadler

Eliza Sadler is a professional journalist and one of the best assignment writing service with experience spanning over four years.  She also works as a freelancer and providesbest essay writing service UK . She always focused on doing quality work to achieve her goals and also wrote for an Essay Reviewer. Her focus is on ensuring levels of quality that can make her clients feel confident about what they publish and order from her again. Feel free to connect with her by email.

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