Social Media Management
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Building a business is hard.
Sustaining momentum is even harder.
You’ve done a great job of creating your product or service. You know the benefits of social media to spread the word about the benefits. You want to develop a loyal following online.
Social media is used by over 3 billion people globally. They engage with their favorite brands and share their “brand love” with their friends. Using social media to reach this loyal and motivated audience can be very effective for a relatively small investment.
So where do you start? Right here!
JADCOM Media for your Social Media Needs
If you are a small business, you likely want to become less small. We all have that dream. But none of us have unlimited time or budgets to make it happen.
While social media is an efficient way to reach new and existing customers, “getting it done” is another story. There are questions about what social media network to use, what to share about your business, how to write the messaging, how often to post…
You get the idea. Knowing you should do it is one thing, but knowing what to do and having the bandwidth in your normal day-to-day operations to get it done is quite another.
JADCOM Media can help you.
About half the world’s population uses social media in some manner. You won’t reach all of them, but with JADCOM Media’s help, you can get in front of many more of them than you have the time to do now.
Let’s take a look at some benefits that come with using social media in your operations.
Social Media for Branding
It really doesn’t matter in which industry your brand lives. You could be a local pub or a dog groomer. Hair stylists need a continual flow of new clients, just as do real estate agents. You could be a retirement community or a custom bakery.
Social media can support your brand – regardless of the industry.
Extending your brand using social media is a an efficient way to reach new customers – and engage existing ones. Actually, one of these helps the other.
Consider the delight experienced by a potential customers when they see their friends and others actively engaged with your brand on social media. The old saw about “never eat at a restaurant with an empty parking lot” holds true here.
Excitement fuels excitement.
Harness that excitement via existing customers and deploy it to engage new ones.
Become Human
Social media isn’t about allowing a brand to just shout “HERE I AM!” It is more about helping new and existing customer get to know you, your beliefs, and why people should feel good about their involvement with you.
Sure, there is a certain amount of promotion involved. You must tell them. However, the success lies in how they are told.
Jab, Jab, Jab RIGHT HOOK
Gary Vaynerchuk is a marketing expert. He has a philosophy he calls “Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook!” What does this mean? It means a successful way to communicate with potential customers is to offer multiple “soft sells” before you promote heavily.
For example, you might share some fun uses of your product, an inside look at your operation, an occasional and carefully crafted “funny” or possibly a more personal note around the holidays – things that are more “informational” than “transactional.”
After some information sharing, it would then be appropriate to serve up a sale, special promotion, or some other Call to Action. This “Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook!” strategy is not just effective, but it is highly ethical.
Stay Visible
Keeping your brand “Top of Mind” is how potential customers become more comfortable with you. The more they see you in a positive light, the more routine the buying decision becomes. (The more Jabs they see, the more they will be receptive to the Right Hook!)
The challenge? Keeping up the momentum on social media when you actually have a company to run.
If you’re like me (and many others!) you check your own social media feeds several times per day. Having your brand pop up from time to time is critical to your Top of Mind goals. You must keep it going to keep them informed and entertained.
Social Media for Growth
There are many ways social media can help you grow your business. Let’s look at a few:
More Website Traffic
When you effectively and frequently engage your audience on social media, many followers will naturally want more of that good thing. Channeling that curiosity to your website is the best way to give them what they want. (And maybe make a sale at the same time.)
More Leads
Many of those new website visitors who are curious are not current customers or clients. That’s why they’re curious. Engaging them with the Jabs, then closing them with the Right Hook is only possible if you can generate the lead in the first place.
More Sales
You see a pattern, don’t you. Effective social media efforts grows your web visitors, which grow your leads, which can grow your sales. The “familiarity continuum” is needed for turning a stranger into a customer. It takes a series of steps – steps that are very difficult to take without an effective social media strategy.
Answer Their Questions
It all starts with giving your customers (and potential customers!) the answers to their questions. What are the questions, you ask? JADCOM Media can help you decide what to ask – and how to ask it.
Sure, you can ask you customers what they want, but that’s only a pinhole of the visibility you need. The goal is to make that pinhole a giant magnifying glass.
We’ll do the research for you to find out for what what people are searching in your industry. Learning their questions is the first step to developing the answers.
Get Started Today
JADCOM Media is ready to help you gain control of your social media strategy.
It might be as simple as posting content on a regular basis, so you don’t have to. You may need help developing a social media library so you won’t have to “reinvent the wheel” with every post. It may be as strategic as researching what customers are asking and creating a plan to address.
We’ll work with you every step of the way to make social media work for you!